
Micro-teaching is an effective way to develop teaching skills, especially for pre-service teachers. It is a process of teaching a short lesson in front of a small group of peers or colleagues, followed by feedback and reflection. Micro-teaching sessions are usually videotaped and analyzed by both the teacher and the peers to identify areas of improvement. This feedback helps to refine teaching techniques and strategies.

Micro-teaching has been a popular method of teacher training since the 1960s. The approach was developed by Dwight Allen and his colleagues at Stanford University in the USA, and it has since spread to many countries around the world. Micro-teaching has been used in various educational contexts, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education, and in training programs for adult learners.

Benefits of Micro-teaching:

There are several benefits to using micro-teaching in teacher training. One of the most significant advantages is that it provides pre-service teachers with a safe and supportive environment in which to practice their teaching skills. They can experiment with different teaching strategies and techniques without fear of failure, and receive constructive feedback from their peers and mentors.

Another benefit of micro-teaching is that it allows pre-service teachers to focus on specific teaching skills and techniques. For example, they may choose to practice classroom management, questioning techniques, or the use of technology in the classroom. This focus helps pre-service teachers to develop specific skills and techniques that they can apply in their future teaching careers.

Micro-teaching is also a cost-effective way to train teachers. It requires minimal resources and can be implemented in a variety of settings, including classrooms, laboratories, or online environments. This flexibility makes micro-teaching an accessible and affordable method of teacher training.

Research has shown that micro-teaching can have a positive impact on teacher development. For example, a study conducted by Kennedy and Thomas (2012) found that pre-service teachers who participated in a micro-teaching program reported increased confidence in their teaching abilities and felt better prepared to teach in real classrooms. Another study by van Tartwijk et al. (2009) found that micro-teaching helped pre-service teachers to develop their pedagogical content knowledge, which is essential for effective teaching.

Steps in Micro-teaching:

The micro-teaching process typically involves several steps, which include planning, teaching, feedback, and reflection. Each of these steps is essential for effective micro-teaching.

The planning phase involves selecting a specific teaching skill or technique to focus on, designing a lesson plan, and preparing any necessary materials. Pre-service teachers should also consider the needs and characteristics of their learners, including their prior knowledge, interests, and learning styles.

The teaching phase involves delivering the lesson to a small group of peers or colleagues. The lesson should be brief, typically no more than 10-15 minutes, and should focus on the selected teaching skill or technique. Pre-service teachers should aim to create an engaging and interactive learning experience for their learners.

The feedback phase involves receiving feedback from peers and mentors on the teaching performance. Feedback should be specific, constructive, and focused on areas for improvement. Pre-service teachers should also reflect on their teaching performance and identify areas for further development.

The reflection phase involves reflecting on the feedback received and identifying ways to improve teaching skills and techniques. Pre-service teachers should consider how they can apply the feedback to their future teaching practice and develop an action plan for further improvement.

Micro-teaching is a valuable method of teacher training that provides pre-service teachers with a safe and supportive environment to practice their teaching skills. It allows them to focus on specific teaching skills and techniques, and receive constructive feedback from their peers and mentors. Micro-teaching is also a cost-effective way to train teachers and can be implemented in a variety of settings. Research has shown that micro-teaching can have a positive impact on teacher development, helping pre-service teachers to develop their confidence, pedagogical content knowledge, and teaching skills.

In conclusion, micro-teaching is a powerful tool for enhancing teacher education programs. By providing pre-service teachers with opportunities to practice and receive feedback on their teaching skills, micro-teaching helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice and prepare teachers for real-world teaching situations. Moreover, micro-teaching can be adapted to meet the needs of different educational contexts and learning environments, making it a flexible and versatile approach to teacher training.


Kennedy, M. L., & Thomas, C. D. (2012). Micro-teaching: A viable method for enhancing the professional development of pre-service teachers? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(21), 175-181.

van Tartwijk, J., Driessen, E. W., van der Vleuten, C. P., & Stokking, K. M. (2009). Teacher learning in the context of educational innovation: Learning activities and learning outcomes of experienced teachers. Learning and Instruction, 19(6), 504-510.

Zeichner, K. M. (1981). Alternative paradigms of teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 32(3), 2-11.

Golding, C., Donaldson, J., & Reiss, M. J. (2013). Exploring relationships between university-based practical work and school science. International Journal of Science Education, 35(13), 2261-2278.

Hammersley-Fletcher, L. (2010). The assessment of teaching and learning in higher education: The case for the student voice. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 47(2), 225-233.

Grimley, M. (2008). Micro-teaching in initial teacher education: Effective learning or ritual performance? British Educational Research Journal, 34(3), 329-345.

Kurtz, G., & Elsner, J. (2015). Micro-teaching as a tool for teacher education. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 3(2), 37-50.

Mabrouk, P. A. (2014). Effects of micro-teaching on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in teaching. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(2), 136-144.

Sulaiman, T., & Sulaiman, S. (2018). Microteaching: Its effects on the development of pedagogical content knowledge among pre-service science teachers. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(2), 176-185.

Timmermans, J. A., & De Koning, B. B. (2013). Towards a framework for effective micro-teaching in teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 36(2), 220-235.